If you are interested in sending your employees to different countries like Canada, Australia, UK, USA and Germany for the project, then you should look into applying for the Intra Company Transfer Visa.Agile Consultancy is a leading immigration law company with a wealth of experience in the field. Intra Company Transfer Visa is designed to assist the transfer of employees from a foreign-based company to its associated foreign company. The main cause for this type of visa is to promote the transmission of acquaintance from foreign senior-level or specialized knowledgeable employees to different foreign countries. Another attribute of this type of work permit is that in most cases the applicant will be permitted to have their spouse go with them on an open work permit. Fill out our immigration assessment form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your eligibility and options.
Intra Company Transfer Visa, Intra Company Transfer Visa USA, Intra Company Transfer Visa Canada, Intra Company Transfer Guidance, Intra-Company Transfer Visa for Work in Canada